Due to the Covid situation the 2019 conservation award could not be presented at the AGM in June 2020 and so, somewhat belatedly, it was handed to the architects Crowther Associates some months later during a relaxation of the Covid restrictions. The MCHA award co-ordinator, Gabi Tubbs, is seen here presenting the award plate whilst striving to keep a safe distance! The development regenerated the previously derelict Montpelier Baptist Church site at the corner of Montpelier Place and Belvedere Terrace (Norfolk Terrace). The scheme demolished the existing 1960s church, and in its place a new residential development has now been constructed consisting of: 5 town houses, 19 apartments and a D1 commercial unit, arranged in 3 distinct blocks. The MCHA committee praised the scheme for responding to the surrounding conservation area’s building typology and the tight urban grain of this part of the conservation area. It also thanked Oakley Property for arranging the committee’s tour of the site in 2019 which was hosted by the architect of the development Jay Johnson.