The subscription for a single person is £10. For two or more people living at the same address it is £15. The corporate rate for shops and organisations is £30.
Membership offers:
- News about developments affecting the area.
- Help with planning issues with advice on conservation issues.
- Lectures a year given by guest speakers with expertise in conservation and local history.
- A full colour newsletter delivered to your door.
- Christmas and summer parties for members and their guests (*).
(*) Tickets for these are at an additional cost. (Currently £10 per ticket).
Please note: in line with our constitution, all memberships are renewed on 1st April each year. If you are joining in the months of January, February or March leading up to the 1st April annual renewal, you will be a member with immediate effect, you will NOT be asked for a further renewal on 1st April of the year you join, and your new membership will extend through to 31st March of the following year.
To set up a Direct Debit for automatic renewal of membership each year, please click here.
To make single payment, just for this year’s membership, please click here.